Enzar Empire Press is an imprint of Energion Publications. For technical details on submissions, read the submissions page there.

What is different with Enzar Empire Press is the requirements. There is no expectation that a book will have a Christian theme, though submissions with Christian or other religious themes are welcome. Any religious theme should be integral to your story. In other words, don’t make your story simply a vehicle for delivering a particular message. It may be difficult to get the right balance, but if your purpose is primarily about telling your story and entertaining your reader, you’ll be in good shape.

Enzar Empire Press has an editorial process, and we do not guarantee acceptance. We do not charge for publications. Energion Publications has the EnerPower Press imprint for paid publication.

For more information, call (850) 525-3916 and ask for Henry Neufeld (or leave a message). Alternatively, email pubs@energion.com.