Updated February 22, 2020

When I created this imprint, I wrote the following note on the front page:

OK, let me be honest here.  I created this imprint because I write some science fiction and fantasy as a hobby, and I wanted to publish a bit of it.  I own a publishing company already so I have the logistics covered.

At the same time, let’s say that again–I own a publishing company.  There are many small publishers out there, and you should look around, but if you have a manuscript you think might fit this imprint, submit it!  I may well think it’s better than mine.  The publishing model is traditional, in that we pay you royalties and take no money from you.  We do not offer an advance, but that should not be surprising in a small press.

I have some more material warming up on the front burner, so I’ll be adding more of my own titles.  I hope you enjoy them, and I hope you will consider the Enzar Empire Press imprint.

(For more information on Henry Neufeld, see henryneufeld.com.)

Now the imprint is moving forward and we have an additional author. It’s still pioneering work, however. I’m hoping to add something else of my own soon.

That approach may seem a bit odd. One either self-publishes, or publishes the work of others. Well, I used that method in starting Energion Publications. I published my own work, my wife’s work, and my mother’s work while we still had only one author outside the family. Then we used those sales to build an imprint that now has nearly 160 titles from more than 60 authors.

If you want to get in at this pioneering stage, make sure to submit your work. We’d like to hear from you.